Just two minutes by plane connecting the two islands, this is the shortest flight in the world

Just two minutes by plane connecting the two islands, this is the shortest flight in the world

this is a wall Which can reassure everyone who is afraid of planes. Cause ? It only lasts for…two minutes. Loganair flight is listed in LM711
Guinness World Records As the world’s smallest airline. It connects the two islands of the Orkney Archipelago, located to the north of
Scotland : Westre’s and that Papa Westre’s, report slate according to information received from CNN,

17 euro ticket in high season

The two regions are separated by 2.7 km. The flight lasts from one to two minutes depending on the weather conditions. On a good day, it can drop to even fifty-three seconds. The propeller aircraft can accommodate up to eight passengers per link. There are no toilets or screens on board. Before take-off, the pilot turns his head straight to give safety instructions to passengers.

Surprisingly, both airports are visible to passengers from one establishment to the next, without requiring them to be in the air. The flight, which takes place two to three times a day, allows the 80 residents of Papa Westre Island to break their isolation. The connection is thus important, even if they benefit from boat service, but very slow. Tickets for the Loganair LM711 flight cost 17 euros in high season.

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