Kovid-19 fills the ICU bed in the capacity of Denver Health admitted to the hospital

Kovid-19 fills the ICU bed in the capacity of Denver Health admitted to the hospital

DENVER (KDVR) – Hospitals across the state say they are concerned about the expected wave of covid patients in the coming weeks and months.

Some are already seeing their ICUs filled up. But now there is a big problem. Not enough staff to see all patients.

Since last week, the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Denver Health has been overcrowded several times. All 47 beds have been taken due to the increase in COVID-19 patients at the time.

Denver Health’s Chief Quality Officer Dr. Says Thomas McKenzie, “We’re getting closer to the kind of numbers New York faced in the spring. I’m concerned that we will end rooms in Denver’s City and County and hospitals and our hospitals in the entire metro area.

Denver Health is now starting to send overflow ICU patients to regular hospital rooms rearranged for covid patients. On Monday, a dozen of them were brought online. More available if needed.

The lack of ICU rooms is now a challenge facing Denver Health.

“We’re not only seeing an increase in Covid 19 patients, but we’re seeing a lot of patients who have delayed essential care this year and are bored at the seam with a mix of Covid and non-Covid patients in our hospital.”

In Colorado, beds in 84% of the state’s ICU hospitals have been used in the last seven days.

This is the highest number since the epidemic began.

“We’ll be in a place where we have to make very strict decisions about who gets an ICU bed and who doesn’t if there’s nothing left in the city.”

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The Colorado Hospital Association says the lack of staff now will also cause major problems. Spokeswoman Julie L. on Naborg said “staff shortages” are occurring across the country.

Colorado cannot rely on the help of other states because they have their own shortages.

Denver Health now plans to double the number of non-covid patients in a single patient room.

The hospital is also starting to cancel the necessary, but non-urgent, alternative surgery.


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