Kovid, a 100-year-old British man who symbolized the fight against the coronovirus contract. National newspaper

  Kovid, a 100-year-old British man who symbolized the fight against the coronovirus contract.  National newspaper

In the UK, Kovid, one of the national heroes, was recruited in the fight against the coronavirus.

The captain became a symbol of the fight against the epidemic. She was decorated by the queen and all. In April of last year, at the height of the first wave of infection, Tom Moore met his goal of giving 100 walkers around the home garden – for each year of age – in exchange for donations to the UK public health system .

The ex-combatant, who has already broken his hip and treated brain cancer, has always been treated in public hospitals. The kitty was also a way of giving back.

Ambitious, he threw the target high: 1,000 pounds. Charismatic, he won the country and went a bit ahead: he collected around R $ 33 million.

In an interview in July with Fantastico, he said that he was cheering himself and all on for the success of the campaign.

The family said that he was diagnosed with coronovirus last week. That he had to go to the hospital on Sunday (31) because he needed help to breathe.

The statement said that he is not in the ICU and the exceptional medical care is expected to make Tom return home soon.

Once again he is being served on the public network, which he helped a lot.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said as he spoke to the family, Tom is a great inspiration to the country and he is praying for the captain’s rapid improvement. This is the crowd of the whole world. That he is strong, no one doubts.


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