May 4 coronavirus news – CNN

Coronavirus pandemic: updates from around the world
President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen

World leaders have promised a total of $ 8 billion for the development and dissemination of diagnoses, treatments and vaccines against the new coronavirus.

The donations came by flooding during a conference of virtual commitments today hosted by the European Union, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom. The United States did not participate.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said: “Today the world has shown extraordinary unity for the common good. Governments and global health organizations have joined forces against coronavirus. With this commitment, we are well on the way to developing, producing and distributing a vaccine for everyone. However, this is only the beginning. We must support the effort and be ready to contribute more. The marathon promise will continue. “

Here’s what some leaders promise:

Norway donated $ 1 billion in contributions, Switzerland he promised $ 381 million and the Holland $ 209.5 million.

Australia has pledged $ 352 million Australian dollars, which is about $ 226 million.

of Italy Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has promised $ 152.7 million while South Korea has announced a contribution of $ 50 million e Kuwait he promised to donate $ 40 million.

South Africa He said he will pledge $ 1.3 million and raise another $ 61 million from African Union member states. Israel he promised to invest $ 60 million in an effort to respond to the pandemic.

Ireland he is donating nearly $ 20 million dollars. Luxembourg promised $ 5.45 million, Sweden $ 17 million, Portugal $ 10.9 million, Croatia $ 1.09 million, Finland $ 39.3 million. Bulgaria is Romania promised $ 109,000 and $ 218,000, respectively.

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Serbia announced a contribution of $ 2.18 million, slovenia $ 33.6 million and the Czech Republic announced a joint commitment with Poland, Hungary and Slovakia of $ 3.27 million.

Meanwhile, Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has promised $ 100 million to the effort.

Other countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Turkey, Monaco and China have also promised to contribute to the efforts against Covid-19 without mentioning an amount.


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