Mega wind farm at sea, DG Balanda: “shared project”, but mayors say no

Mega wind farm at sea, DG Balanda:

In an interview the manager of the Falk renewable project of the offshore wind farm off the coast between Posada and Budoni explains the project

Cagliari. The manager of the Falk Renewables project for the offshore wind farm off the coast between Posada and Budoni gives Nuova an exclusive interview where the word that comes up most often, not surprisingly, is “dialogue”. An almost indirect answer to the wall of no tomorrow by mayors of coastal municipalities, indirectly answered by Russian economist and engineer Ksenia Balanda, general director of Marine Wind Italy of Falk Renewables for a year and responsible for the selection and selection of the Mediterranean Development of floating wind farm projects in the basin. The first manager worked with Enel Green Power in Russia.

Why did you choose the part of the coast between Budoni and Posada, a distance of between 14 and 22 miles?
“We started preliminary studies a year and a half ago; analyzed mooring characteristics for our wind farm project, looking at the seabed, which provides floating platforms that are not stable on the sea floor, studying interference with protected areas and coastal activities. assesses the types of wind, we considered that the area was suitable. Want to define and agree, communicate with them, also want to start scientific comparison with two Sardinian universities. Only then will we present the actual project.

However, only certain characteristics of the project are defined: the number of turbines, their overall power, perhaps even the final cost of investment.
«The technology we have indicated now is neutral for both the turbine and the material. We will discuss with the region and choose the best and shared solution and which allows to activate and stabilize the local production chain”.

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When are you planning to submit the first authorization application to MIT?
« Following a study in mid-2023 that we are now embarking on on avifauna, marine populations and the overall environmental impact of the intervention. We’d like to collect comments and suggestions long before the project is submitted, to see what’s shared. We do not wish to present any project as a joke, but rather look for different ways to adapt it and benefit the sector.

The total investment for this project alone is close to 3 billion euros, with 7 billion for the whole Sardinia projects presented. Huge amount But what could be the repercussions for the Sardinian economy?
“The useful life of these systems is approximately 30 years, the time between manufacturing, assembling and preparation, reaches 6 years, creating opportunities for small or large companies on site and above all for the employees, who help We also want universities to train and specialize. Then there’s another aspect: as we did in Scotland, we want to make local communities virtually own a turbine, so they can use the energy produced in their area At our Earlsburn wind farm, in the Stirling district, between Edinburgh and Glasgow, a local independent cooperative was formed that bought a part of the plant and received a dividend in return. A similar process could be started in Sardinia. I would like to add that this technology is in great demand in the Mediterranean, but so far no one has crossed the finish line and started its implementation: the first person to do so has clearly benefits for that region as well. where the first plant will be thrust.Here we want to set up world top are ».

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But do we really have to live with on- and off-shore wind power?
“There is no other option. By 2030, we will have to eliminate several gigawatts of renewable energy. Italy, as Minister Singolani said, is a little behind ».


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