Monkey pox case, end of covid pandemic, shortage of caregivers: Frank Vandenbrook reviews

Cas de variole du singe, fin de l'épidémie de Covid, pénurie de soignants : Frank Vandenbroucke fait le point

Is the covid pandemic over? That was the question addressed to Frank Vandenbrook on the set of the RTL show this Sunday. ,We must be alert. Chances are there will still be waves. It would be amazing if there were no more waves“, judges the minister. According to him, it is necessary to continue to work on measures that slow the spread of covid and to prepare for whatever may happen. No denying the return of the socialist mask and CST does in the fall.”We must escape cruel imprisonment“, however, he underlines.

Cases of monkeypox identified in Belgium were also discussed. ,Go to emergency services if people have symptoms“The minister recalled that, at the present time, there was no reason to be concerned. Frank Vandenbrücke returned to the number of cases within the gay community.”It’s a coincidence, the virus doesn’t differentiate between gay or heterosexual”, he clarifies. However, the concerned circles have been warned.

,Conventional Vaccine Protects”, Frank Vandenbrücke also indicated, that monkeypox is much less serious than covid. So, should everyone be vaccinated? According to the minister, the balance of advantages and disadvantages of vaccination is not yet explained. ,We have a very important strategic stock against traditional smallpox”, However, he notes without stating the number of doses available. Frank Vandenbrücke also assured that discussions are underway with a pharmaceutical firm at the European level for the possible purchase of new vaccines against monkeypox.

“There are 4 people infected at the moment. It is certain that there will be more, but there will be no explosion”“, assured the socialist.

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Frank Vandenbrook is then faced with the testimony of a caregiver who decided to leave his profession, like many others within the profession whom the pandemic has endured. In response, he indicated that wages for investment were being revalued, which he considers “consequential” but “not adequate”.

“We must start discussions on a new agenda to develop future actions in this area”At last he assured.


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