National, Europe celebrates us: all crazy for Italy

National, Europe celebrates us: all crazy for Italy

all crazyItaly. It is true that we are scattered all over the world, but from Manhattan to Edinburgh, streets, squares, day or night by time zone, the thousands of people who took them are not only migrants or belong to Italy. Vans with tricolor cannoli flags, banners and coaches praising a statue with an undeclared name for a foreigner, donnarumma, in a collective delirium that symbolizes rebirth from the pandemic.

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Catharsis after a year and a half of separation, the joy of liberation of a conquest that had all the characteristics of an impossible dream: a team of born warriors, the azuriWembley, in the white-red pit of the English lions, against the albionic confidence of victory, anticipated by the unhappy motto It’s going home, returning home (football invented by the English) and the one who woke up yesterday is a joke. And coming to Rome with the seal of the viral Italian Post Office. Edinburgh looked like Naples, tell the Italians in Scotland.

Crazy for the national team, 27 jersey

The Irish Embassy in Italy, with the irony of an expatriate and individualistic people like us, sends praise for the Cup by forcing a third island, Ireland, into the map between Sicily and Sardinia. “We are all Italians,” shouted the Europeans. But the most flamboyant leaders, with the opportunistic intuition of politicians, had thrown their hearts beyond the calculations of the odds, wearing the jersey of 27. national That of Mancini as President of the European Commission, German Ursula van der Leyen, whose spokeswoman reaffirmed her happiness for not only Italian, but European victory at Brexit headquarters yesterday.

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that twinkling tricolor up wembley This provoked reactions of dispersal and sometimes violent glee across the continent, outraged by the choice of the English (not Scottish, not Welsh) to leave the European Union. Then add the pride of France, who, to avenge their exclusion from the final, had to choose between the various all-time competitors of England and Italy. «Invincible», L’quipe in the spotlight. And the Germanic but progressive Sueddeutsche Zeitung is all apology for Italian “faith, unity and stability”, a collection of three lessons for Europe that comes from the fateful finalist for the rigors of Wembley.

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The spirit of Boot, who never gives up, was lauded by popular columnist Stephen Ulrich for revenge, first of all, on his “resignation” after the boycott from the World Cup. An Italy redemption that has redeemed Europe, and perhaps the world, from being the western epicenter of the virus that has ripped our lives apart. So the first titles in the international sports press include a lot: “History of a Renaissance” (Spanish Marca), “Bravisima” and “Eterna Italia” Other Hispanic es, “Mamma Mia!”, The Herald . Above all, Scottish libertarian (and pro-European) The National rejoices, throwing the most pointed and irreverent counter-slogan against the hated British: “It’s Coming Rome”. This is the magazine that drew on the cover the suffering and focused face of Mancini, a warrior painted in Scottish shades of blue and white under the armor of the revived William Wallace, the hero who defended independence more than seven centuries ago. was. of Scotland. He is the protagonist of the Braveheart saga, Fearless Heart.

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parade medal
In contrast, the low-eyed prince’s image of sad princes, William and Kate, goes viral on the web, and sparks controversy over domestic footballers’ refusal to hold a second medal around their necks. A conditioned reflex of racism against three black players who failed the penalty, a paradoxical reversal of the Three Lions’ habit of kneeling before matches against any discrimination. Sports is politics, it captures the mood of the people, the currents of history, unnecessarily history-making emotions. There are those who talk of the victory of the republic over the monarchy (hasn’t Italy defeated the subjects of Belgium, Spain and England?) And in short, let’s enjoy this limitless blue sky without pride.

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