Obama claims that the White House response to coronavirus was an “absolute chaotic disaster”

Obama: Trump's Covid-19 response is a 'chaotic disaster'
The burning comments, confirmed to CNN by three former Obama administration officials on the call, offered the former president’s more severe assessment of how President Donald Trump and his team handled the deadly pandemic and why he believes Democrats should rally behind former Vice President Joe Biden to defeat Trump in November.

In a 30-minute conversation with members of the Obama Alumni Association, the former president said the response to the coronavirus outbreak was a key reminder of why strong government leadership is needed during a global crisis. The call was intended to encourage former Obama staff to engage more in Biden’s presidential campaign.

“This election that is coming – at all levels – is so important because what we are fighting for is not just a particular individual or political party,” Obama said. “What we are fighting against are these long-term tendencies in which to be selfish, to be tribal, to be divided and to see others as enemies – it has become a stronger impetus in American life.”

The comments have been first reported by Yahoo News, who got an audio recording of the call. An Obama spokesman declined to comment on or elaborate on the ex-president’s comments.
Obama also took the Michael Flynn case into account, stating that Attorney General William Barr’s decision to stay the criminal case against Flynn suggested that “the rule of law was at risk” in the United States. Before taking office, Obama warned Trump of Flynn and raised questions about his conduct with Russia.
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But Obama saved his strongest words for the Trump administration’s management of the coronavirus crisis and its worldview.

“It’s part of why the response to this global crisis has been so anemic and unpredictable,” said Obama. “It would have been bad even with the best of governments. It was an absolutely chaotic disaster when that mentality – of” what’s inside for me “and” heck with everyone else “- when that mentality is made operational in our government. “

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He added, “That’s why, by the way, I’m going to be spending as much time and campaigning as hard as I can for Joe Biden.”

After formally approving Biden last month, Obama said he was deeply involved in the campaign to help Biden win the White House. His remarks on Friday evening were the latest example of that effort, saying to Obama’s Alumni group: “I hope you all experience the same sense of urgency that I do.”


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