Pius XII and the Jews. Disbanded the archives of the Vatican

  Pius XII and the Jews.  Disbanded the archives of the Vatican

The weekly magazine cites the findings of a Belgian historian. Johan Ickx in his new book “Pius XII and the Jews” included the first extracts from the archives of Eugenio Pacelli’s Pontit, made available in March last year.

According to the scientist, the unclassified documents lie to the black legend of Pius XII, which was primarily produced by the German playwright Rolf Hochth with his play “The Governor”. A Belgian historian called him “the masterpieces of the Soviet secret services”.

Interference in the rescue of threats with Jews of death (more than 2.8 thousand letters for help) were ordered by the pope from the diplomatic section of the state secretariat. Informing “Goet Niedzeli”, the Vatican intervened in the case of more than 4,000 Jews, facilitating their stay, granting visas or the right to stay in Italy.

The newspaper also reminds us of a long-known fact that more than 6,000 out of about 10,000 survived the war in Rome thanks to the help of Pius XII and the Vatican.

For years, Eugenio Pacelli was wrongly accused of favoring the Nazis. Even the nickname “Pope of Hitler” clings to him.

Read also:
Kill Hitler. Pius XII and the detective in espionage

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