Pope Francis will attend Cop26 in Glasgow, confirms Scottish bishops

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Pope Francis will personally attend the next Cop26 in Glasgow (health permitting). This was confirmed by the Scottish Catholic bishops.

there will also be Pope Francesco among the participants cop26United Nations Climate Change Conference to be held in Glasgow next November. He confirmed it, in a note, Scottish Catholic bishop, even though everything will depend on the health conditions of the pontiff. “We have contacted the Holy Fathers to guarantee a warm welcome if he attends the conference, we are pleased to learn that we look forward to meeting him in Glasgow.“, reads the press release.

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Pope Francesco He is still hospitalized in Gemelli, Rome, recovering after colon surgery. If the recovery continues smoothly, the Pontiff should be prepared to return to full activity in August. The Scottish bishops explained that the Pope “He will be in Scotland for a short time, most of which will be devoted to participation in COP26“. Reuters also reports this.

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In the wake of COP26, the Vatican has organized a meeting for the month of October between prominent religious leaders and scientists from around the world. The Holy See has not yet officially announced the Pope’s visit to Scotland, but appointments have been confirmed for mid-September in Hungary and Slovakia.

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