Robbie Phillips and Dave McLeod embark on a new E10 trade in Duntelchag, Scotland

Robbie Phillips and Dave McLeod embark on a new E10 trade in Duntelchag, Scotland

Scottish climber Robbie Phillips has made the first ascent of ‘What We Do in the Shadows’ in Duntelchag, Scotland, a new traditional climb E10 7a. Soon after, Dave McLeod completed the second ascent.

British tradition is currently enjoying an exciting moment of renaissance at the height of difficulty and later Dictionary By Neil Gresham in the Lake District, they are now the two great Scottish masters Robbie Phillips and Dave MacLeod who ascended to Duntelchag what do we do in the shadows. It adds a straight and brutal exit to the Nosferatu traditional route, which has a climb equivalent to 8c. Being guarded by Nutt and friends, the route is graded E10 7a. Then very close to max.

Phillips began testing the line in the summer of 2020 and was joined on several occasions by McLeod, then came winter and other commitments forced the two to turn their attention elsewhere. Phillips made a comeback this fall and managed to reach the top five times without falling; Two good friends act as the main protection, but the key to success was the discovery of a younger friend who, according to Phillips “Pulls you to the right and keeps you from hitting a huge slab, which would otherwise make the final move very scary.”

After falling twice from the crux – the final run to reach the edge of the roof – Phillips managed to keep the notch and the flag. McLeod made the second climb with diagnostic accuracy shortly thereafter. They both kept the safety from below, descended to the ground, then after resting they climbed all the way to the top.

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contact: scarpa

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