San Francisco orders 10-day quarantine for passengers outside the Bay Area

San Francisco orders 10-day quarantine for passengers outside the Bay Area

San Francisco’s director of health, Dr. Grant Colfex announced a new travel order on Thursday Mandatory quarantine Any 10 days to travel, hike or return to the city from anywhere outside the bay area.

Kolfex did not give details on how the city would enforce the order but said anyone who failed to comply would be punished.

“This isn’t really the time to travel,” Kolfex said Press briefing. “The consequences are serious. We only say that people understand it and follow the health system because it is the right thing to do. The city can take additional enforcement action if the situation demands. Failure is a crime. “

The order requires anyone coming to San Francisco to be quarantined for 10 days if they spend any time outside of the following nine area counties: San Mateo, Santa Clara, Almeida, Contra Costa, Solano, Sonoma, Napa, Marine and Santa Cruz.

Covid-19 cases are on the rise in San Francisco and across the country. The mayor of San Francisco, London Breed, said hospitals in the Bay Area are close to overflowing. “We must do everything we can to contain the virus and stop it from circulating in our community. Now is not the time to travel and risk or come in contact with others. We need to do the right thing to protect ourselves, our neighbors and our loved ones and make sure we can celebrate together when this is over. “

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The new order also includes strong language to discourage any unavoidable travel, even in two areas.

Essential workers such as medical professionals and those providing essential structural work are exempt. (Find the full list of discounts Here.)

“People don’t have connecting flights from San Francisco International Airport and overnight stays in San Francisco, it’s not necessary for transportation,” the city said.

The travel order will take effect at 12:01 a.m. on December 18 and will continue until 12:01 a.m. on January 4, 2021, unless extended.


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