Scotland, Championship off: Celtic celebrate their ninth consecutive title

Scotland, Championship off: Celtic celebrate their ninth consecutive title

Me too Scotland The 2019/2020 season has been officially closed. The federation has announced the conclusion of the championship, defining its ranking at the time of suspension. This means that Celtic is the champion of Scotland Ninth consecutive year. In this way the Green-and-White club won the 51st title in history, in honor rolls it is -3 of the Rangers’ eternal rivals, who are 54 years old. Celtic had 80 points after 30 games, with 13 at the time of suspension. Length ahead of another team from Glasgow. The second verdict is a final hearing on 23 points.

“Let’s celebrate, but with style”

CelticApparently another title was celebrated on social media. There was no way to end the season and at the same time, there would be no chance to celebrate this success in the stadium or the square. Therefore, the club invited its fans to celebrate but stay home in compliance with the rules imposed for coronoviruses: “We want Celtic fans around the world to celebrate this victory in style, But of course safety is everyone’s priority and for now it means celebrating in our homes. We all need to be safe and stay home. Please do not come to Celtic Park. We dedicate this title to you. We dedicate these 9 titles to you in a row. This is our way of doing it ”, club words published on the official website.


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