Scotland to focus on single-use cup tax

Scotland to focus on single-use cup tax

in Scotland a new one will come soon “charge” for use disposable glasses, The minister announced thiscircular economy Scottish Lorna Slater, In a short time an advisory group will be formed, which will have the task of setting the conditions for the surcharge. For example they will be affected coffee cups Or paper and plastic tea cups.

New tax on disposable cups coming to Scotland

Comfortable, fast, unfortunately disposable. disposable glasses They have their perks for whoever uses them, but they are one in the end. enough weight for the environment. Scotland is hoping with the introduction of a new tax discourage its use and push consumers and producers to more durable modelThere. An overload, in fact, not indifferent. The cost of each disposable glass and container in Scotland can range from 25 to 30p, ie 30 to 36 cents. till Why euro? In short, absolutely not.

Towards a circular economy.

“Disposable coffee cups and glasses are a classic example of throw culture“Still, crores are wasted every year”, said the minister. 200 million According to estimates by the Scottish Government, equal to 4,000 tons of waste every year. According to Slater, the tax on disposable cups would be extremely effective in encouraging people to switch to the reusable option. The scheme of introduction of surcharge was already started in 2019 but temporarily suspended due to the pandemic COVID-19.

incentive to reuse.

a surcharge from 30 cents For every coffee served in paper or plastic cups, it may be necessary to encourage the use of reusable cups and cups. For Scottish experts a change of mindset This is essential for resellers and customers. Avoiding beyond effort requires significant change in social norms 660 thousand glasses Disposals sent to landfills daily. Without intervention, estimates predict an increase in waste 310 million of the cup by 2025. If functional, can Expansion to other elements that harm the environment. The scheme is part of Scotland’s goals to become a company. “zero emission” By 2045.

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