She fell into a well unknown to all and 5 meters deep, “If I had dropped my head earlier…”

She fell into a well unknown to all and 5 meters deep,

She spoke this Thursday, September 22. Unknown to all and falling into a well 5 meters deep, Beatrice (68) owes her survival to her restraint and then to the solidarity of the villagers in Drosne, France.

The well hidden under the huts surprised the sexagenarian, who wanted to cure one of his chickens, terrified. “I drank the cup. Was dirty water. It’s not worth a good whiskey. After a few seconds, I told myself to calm down and fill my lungs every time I surfaced. I told myself that I have to get out of it. I cling to life. That’s what saved me. But, if I had dropped my head first, it would have been over”, she explains to our union colleagues.

Two residents arrived, followed by the mayor and a municipal employee. Her husband Pierre found a lifting sling that prevented his wife’s immersion. Well stabilized by a single piece of iron, a ladder then contributes to the defence.

After 30 minutes of excitement, he found the surface before firefighters arrived.

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