Stimulus campaign by Arci Torino and CGIL Torino on sanitary pads for March 8

Stimulus campaign by Arci Torino and CGIL Torino on sanitary pads for March 8

Absorber for 8 March. It is the act of provocation, and at the same time a campaign for Women’s Day by the Arci Torino Committee and Cgil Torino. An initiative, which starts tomorrow, Monday 8 March, and will run for a month, entitled “They are not luxury goods!”. This allows you to donate sanitary pads, first, but also products for personal hygiene or for household cleaning: goods which, as a rule, are not donated nor currently used in Turin. Contains baskets of goods supplied by the municipality. Banks feeding families in difficulty.

On sanitary pads, tampons, menstrual cups for women Pay VAT on 22%. They have meat, beer or chocolate at 10%, as well as truffle and snacks – which would not be unavoidable – as would not be a collector ticket and antique. Sanitary pads are treated like cars and televisions: They are not primary assets for the Italian state.

The campaign was born under the great cap To have a mealA project launched in 2018 by Arci Torino to address the issue of poverty and inequalities starting with food solidarity: canteens for homeless people, recovery of food surcharges and distribution of solidarity baskets.
In this case, we want to enhance the culture of giving through Two Physical Collection Points: Circolo anata zopa 5. Organization in the Turin Chamber of Labor, via Puerto 5, and through Pedrotti Suspended Expense: Some points of sale will give customers the opportunity to donate products that will be destined for the project.

Like all food activities, a response to a material requirement is accompanied by a goal. Raising Awareness: Explaining how inequalities are structured in our country and draws attention to the gender component. In Scotland for example, there is free and universal access to menstrual products. In Spain, Greece or Austria this rate is al 10%. Al in france 5,5% Is VAT in Ireland 0%: We are talking about a good that has an impact on the economy of families and women.

One year has passed since the onset of the epidemic and the launch of Torino Solidale. In this year we came to know families and their needs – The food coordinator says Alice Eugenia GrazianoThis is a series of exceptional collections, which we will launch in the coming months to expand on a wide variety of items that we can make available to those who benefit from the project. We wanted to start with items for personal hygiene and house cleaning because they are among the most requested items after meals, and we wanted to remember the theme of sanitary towels at the center of this collection about how crisis and poverty Influences styles differently “.

“CGIL of Turin has decided to participate in this project with ARCI because with our action to protect the rights of those who work, we think that this is how to take care of the needs of people in difficulty at the moment It is necessary to start with the primary people – General Secretary CGIL Torino says Enrica vulgareaA concrete way of living in solidarity, returning to the origins of labor circles, which were also places to meet and support the needs of the people. Let’s start with this project especially as it supports women and their dignity, just at the time when the epidemic punishes them the most and the risk is making them more impoverished, resuming the country in more ways Is strategic to “.


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