TEDx: Tonight we talk about the environment in Santa Monica

TEDx: December 10 talks about the environment in Santa Monica

The countdown to save the planet has begun and it is no longer possible to remain indifferent. This is the message from TEDxCremona COUNTDOWN, which will take place at the Cremona campus of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart this evening Friday, December 10 at 9 p.m.

Four speakers for four ideas of sustainability: Matteo Angry (PhD in Microbiology and founder of Environomica), Alyssa Nikolic (green content editor), Paul Skokai (Professor in the Department of Agri-Food Economics at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) e alessandra prampolinik (Director of WWF Italy). Piero Brezzale (journalist) will handle the thread of the story.

Participation is by invitation, in compliance with regulations to combat COVID-19, but the event can be followed by all in live-streaming on the YouTube channel https://tedxcremona.com/countdown


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