The PlanBay plane seat design would help you to socialize remotely

The PlanBay plane seat design would help you to socialize remotely

(CNN) – Nobody knows what aviation will look like in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ideas include Aviointeriors’ vision of a row of three inexpensive seats with the center seat facing in the opposite direction or the installation of a protective shield around each seat.
In the mix comes the vision of the French aeronautical engineer Florian Barjot, dubbed PlanBay.

Barjot believes that what airlines want is not a total redesign of the cabin or the installation of new seats, but an easily removable kit that could be installed if necessary.

Like the Aviointeriors design, the Barjot concept is aimed at the economy class.

PlanBay consists of a protection panel behind the seat and another protection panel between the seats. The structure adapts to the empty central seat, so that passengers in the corridor and window can maintain social distance from each other. It is no different than the configuration of the glass panels that business travelers may be accustomed to.

According to Barjot, the installation process is simple, the kit is easy to manufacture and the cost would be low.

The name is a game on the term Plan B – which develops in a spiral on the previous experimental idea of ​​interiors of Barjot planes, EarthBay which reinvents the hold of the plane.

The interior of the planes of the future

Florian Barjot has designed this kit which can be installed on existing cheap aircraft seats.

Courtesy of Florian Barjot

Barjot tells CNN Travel that he developed the concept on his dining room table while his children played nearby.

It was inspired by his wife, who said she would be worried about a passenger sneezing from behind. When the distance between the seats is small, the person behind you is likely to be close to whoever is in your row.

“The idea of ​​a removable kit makes sense when the need for health measures is temporary and / or limited to a geographic area,” says Barjot.

Barjot claims to have had some conversations with aircraft interior suppliers to make the project a reality, but he has no idea how and if the idea will adapt to the future of aviation.

On May 5, the International Air Transport Association (IATA), which represents carriers from around the world, released a statement suggesting blocking the central place was not something they claimed.

Instead, the group recommended face masks.

PlanBay (4)

The design imagines that the center seat is out of order.

Courtesy of Florian Barjot

“The evidence suggests that the risk of transmission on board aircraft is low,” reads the statement. “The use of the mask by passengers and crew will reduce the already low risk, while avoiding the dramatic increases in air transport costs that would lead to social exclusion measures on board.”

If part of the seats are out of order, the prices of those available will probably be increased by the airlines.

IATA also suggested that temperature controls and onboard contact reduction may be options.

PlanBay (6)

Barjot says he developed the concept on his dining room table while his children played nearby.

Courtesy of Florian Barjot

Barjot’s perspective on the issue is that air travel will change irrevocably and people’s expectations of air travel are likely to change forever.

“For many of us, taking a plane is the only time in your life when you can see Earth, but instead passengers and industry wanted to bring TV and Wi-Fi as the best” passenger experience “”, says Barjot.

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“Now we have lived two months at home with high levels of TV and Wi-Fi, will these expectations change? It took millions of years for humans to achieve the dream of flying, not watching TV while flying. To summarize perhaps less travel, but better travel. “


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