The tiger was seen in the company of a man running away from the police in Houston

The tiger was seen in the company of a man running away from the police in Houston

The 9-month-old Bengal tiger went missing this week around Houston, CNN writes. According to local police, the tiger was found intact on Saturday, with veterinarians saying it is in good health, but is now being monitored at an animal shelter from where it will be able to go to a reserve.

A tiger is roaming free in HoustonPhoto: Screenshot via twitter

The animal is handed over to the police by Jia Cuevas, the woman is not being charged. The police briefing did not explain how the tiger came into possession of Cuevas and her husband, as it was illegal to keep a tiger in Houston.

The tiger became world famous last Sunday when its owner, the killer, suspected Victor Hugo Cuevas, Ran into a hunter’s company Humans from incoming police officers The police quickly caught on, But the tiger was not with him at the time, and the whereabouts of the animal have since changed into a story that has captured the American public greatly.

Cuevas’ lawyer initially denied that the man had a tiger, but Saturday night’s police briefing revealed that the animal was indeed the couple’s, at least the man’s wife told police.


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