Tuesday, Ruth Bader Ginsburg “rests comfortably” after nonsurgical treatment for benign gallbladder

Ruth Bader Ginsburg responds to health concerns (2019)

After the first day of oral argument in the court by telephone on Monday morning, Ginsburg went for outpatient tests in a hospital in Washington. Those tests, according to the statement, “confirmed that he suffered from a gallstone that had migrated to his cystic duct, blocking it and causing an infection.”

Ginsburg is currently “resting comfortably” and will attend Wednesday’s oral discussions by telephone from the hospital. He expects to stay in the hospital for a “day or two”.

The judges are listening to oral arguments over the phone because of Covid-19, and on Wednesday they are planning a case regarding the so-called contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

Ginsburg has a long history of medical problems.

Oral discussions were missing for the first time in January 2019, while she was recovering from surgery after two cancerous nodules had been removed from her left lung the month before. At that time, he participated in the cases by reading the transcripts. Liberal justice had already received treatment in November 2018 for three ribs that had fractured during a fall in his office. And in August 2019, she was treated for pancreatic cancer.
As a result, his health has come under more scrutiny as the court confronts far-reaching cases that can transform American law. Since taking office, President Donald Trump has made two appointments, Neil Gorsuch in 2017 and Brett Kavanaugh in 2018, deepening the conservative bias.
But even in the face of health complications, Ginsburg remained an active participant in the high court – including during Tuesday’s oral discussions, which were streamed live on CNN.
And last month, although the Supreme Court was closed to the public because of the pandemic, Ginsburg was working there. At the time, court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said justice had its training point.

“At the request of Judge Ginsburg, the Court set aside the limited private space next to his health facility for Judge Ginsburg to practice. His doctors share his view that training sessions are essential to his well-being, “Arberg told CNN.

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“Space is used exclusively by justice,” added Arberg. “No other judge uses the space and the employee gym is closed to all users.”

The liberal icon is best known for her views on civil rights issues, including the emblematic case that opens the Virginia Military Institute to women.

His dissidents in recent years have continued to energize Democrats at a time when Republicans control the White House and the Senate and the Supreme Court is moving to the right.

In 2013, Ginsburg was nicknamed “Notorious RBG”, a comedy about the latest rapper Notorious B.I.G., in response to a dissent he wrote when the majority of the court issued a fundamental decision that withdrew voting rights protections.

He said last year he “will stay in the workplace” as long as he can “do it at full steam”.

“I was OK the last term. I expect to be OK the next term,” said Ginsburg. “And after that we just have to see.”

This story has been updated with more background information.


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