Venezuela claims to have captured two Americans involved in a failed invasion

Maduro accused two Americans of trying to play "Rambo" in a failed attack intended to unseat him.

On Monday, in a live speech on state television, Maduro brandished what he claimed were the two men’s U.S. passports and driving licenses, along with what he said were their identity cards for Silvercorp, a service company. Florida-based security.

Maduro also showed what he said was a photo of the two men after they were captured, and accused the couple of playing “Rambo” in a failed attack intended to overthrow him.

The footage posted on Maduro’s official Twitter account shows several unidentifiable men on a boat with their hands in the air and a helicopter on top. The men on the boat were not identifiable in a video, but a separate photo more clearly represented two men Maduro claimed were American.

Silvercorp CEO Jordan Goudreau, he told the Washington Post that two Americans acting inside a force majeure were captured on Monday, along with six Venezuelans, after starting an operation to infiltrate Venezuela. Goudreau said other members of what he called “Operation Gideon” were captured or killed on Sunday.

Goudreau has identified Americans as Airan Berry and Luke Denman, whose names match those of the Silvercorp IDs displayed by Maduro. Goudreau, a former US Army green cap, said the two men were former Special Forces members like him.

CNN contacted the United States Department of State and Silvercorp for comment, but has not yet received a response.
Juan Guaido – the opposition leader who has been recognized by the United States and in over 50 countries as Venezuela’s interim president – on Monday denied any connection with Silvercorp and called for respect for the human rights of those captured, Reuters reported.


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