What you need to know about the coronavirus on Tuesday 12 May

The machines helping hospitals fight coronavirus
On a tragic day when deaths in the United States exceeded 80,000, President Donald Trump he boasted of his administration’s management of the crisis, saying “we met the moment and we prevailed”. But contrary to his claims in yesterday’s Rose Garden, not everyone who wants to get tested can do it. Eligibility criteria vary widely across states and some jurisdictions are still experiencing shortages of key materials.
Meanwhile, Trump’s own experts and the World Health Organization warn against returning to normal life too early. Dr. Anthony FauciThe nation’s leading infectious disease expert plans to warn a Senate committee during a hearing today that if the United States opens prematurely, Americans will face “unnecessary suffering and death,” according to an email. that he sent to the New York Times.
Fauci is currently in “modified quarantine” after two members of the administrative staff have tested positive for the virus. Trump is worried about this the outbreak of the White House it will reduce his message that the crisis is waning and that states should start reopening, according to a person who has spoken to him.

You asked. We have replied

Q: Will antibody tests allow us to get back to work?

A: As governments rush to restart the economy, one way to get people back to work is to get support: antibody tests. The hope is that those who have been infected may have developed enough antibodies to make them immune – making their return to the office safe – although the the science around this is far from stable. But experts warn that going this route could create new problems, including discrimination in the workplace, or people who deliberately try to get infected so they can get back to their job sooner, “playing Russian roulette” with their lives, as a doctor said.
Submit your questions here. Are you a healthcare professional who fights Covid-19? Send us a message on WhatsApp about the challenges you are facing: +1 347-322-0415.


Reminder mask for West Wing personnel

While officials are now required to wear facings in the west wingTrump, who said he could not imagine wearing a mask in public, may have less chance of doing so. The first ladyon the other hand, he was vigilant in practicing social distancing and wearing a mask and asked the east wing staff to do the same.
Elsewhere, masks have become a key part of reopening strategies. They are now mandatory for the Metro system in Paris, after France started lifting its blockade yesterday. Across the Canal, the UK has recommended wearing masks on public transportation, as some restrictions increase, but are not yet mandatory.

What the White House can learn from Downing Street

If Trump needs to remember how easily coronavirus can spread in the workplace, he just needs to pick up the phone and call his friend Boris Johnson, Luke McGee writes. The British Prime Minister knows Covid-19’s agony firsthand, having survived a severe virus attack that left his government rudderless at the worst possible time.

Experts say the UK offers a simple lesson for Trump and Vice President Mike Pence: if you can’t stay healthy, you can’t guide your country through this crisis.

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Cases rise in recently reopened countries

South Korea, China and Germany – countries where home measures and other restrictions have recently been lifted – reported peaks of infections. In the past 24 hours, Germany has registered over 900 new cases.
“Over the weekend we saw signs of the challenges that could arise”, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, referring to the wave of cases in the three countries. Tedros added that the uptick is a signal that, without a vaccine, rigorous social removal measures must be maintained.



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