Xian coronavirus | China is finding it difficult to bring food to the city of 13 million people quarantined by COVID-19. Omicron | World

Esta foto tomada el 28 de diciembre de 2021 muestra a un trabajador barriendo una avenida desierta en Xi'an, en China, que está en cuarentena por coronavirus. (STR / AFP).

officers of admitted on Wednesday they were having trouble guaranteeing food supplies to residents of Xi’an, a city that has been limited by an outbreak for a week ,

Responsible accepted in the press conference on Wednesday that “Low number of workers and difficulties of logistics and distribution”People are facing difficulty in getting basic supplies.

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The statement came after complaints on social networks from residents of the city of 13 million people Complaining about lack of food and asking for help.

National health officials have introduced new measures to deal with the new outbreak of COVID-19MILF in the worst China in recent months.

Beijing has followed a strict ‘zero COVID’ strategy that includes border restrictions and local quarantine.

People in Xi’an are prohibited from going out except to test themselves, and some claim that it is no longer possible to shop online.

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Residents complain that They are not allowed to go out even after the food is over in the house.,

“How do we live? How do we eat?”, A user wrote on Chinese Twitter Weibo.

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These days, Authorities detained at least seven people in the city for bypassing quarantine, breaching order and spreading rumourslocal media said.

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The city has recorded over 960 new cases since December 9. increase though China With cases largely lower than in Europe and the United States, Beijing wants to avoid any uncontrolled spread of the virus, especially when there is little more than a month until the country has thousands of foreign visitors to the Winter Olympics. don’t come

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