200 Successful Interventions: Human-Robot Pairing Affects In OR

200 Successful Interventions: Human-Robot Pairing Affects In OR

The procedures are minimally invasive and therefore particularly gentle.
©LKH Feldkirch

Medical progress doesn’t stop: A “surgical robot” has been in use at Feldkirch State Hospital for nearly two years. This creates more comfortable conditions for both doctors and patients.

It’s a small revolution with many benefits: the robot-assisted surgical system “Da Vinci” at the State Hospital in Feldkirch. “OP Robot” has already completed more than 200 successful interventions. Of course, he didn’t do it alone: ​​The four robotic arms are controlled by experienced and specially trained doctors. Three arms are equipped with angle devices, the fourth with a camera. It provides a 3D image of the area to be operated on, magnified up to 40x, with which even the smallest nerves and vessels can be identified.

Private Dr. Andreas Berger during an operation.

The system, which has so far been primarily used in urology, enables even more precise and gentle minimally invasive interventions. The quality of treatment with a robotic system is at least as high as that of “normal” interventions. Patients have less pain and are more rapidly mobile again, surgeons can operate more comfortably, as in Urology-Primer Unique. Doctor. Alfred Hobisch and Surgeon Privy. Doctor. Andreas Berger explains. These have many benefits for both patients and medical professionals.

Rober system is used in OR.

It is therefore clear that further “tasks” are in preparation for the “robot-human pair”. You might be curious!

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