4-day work week, also accepted in Japan

4-day work week, also accepted in Japan

After experiments with Iceland and the United Kingdom, now The short week also comes in Japan, The Land of the Rising Sun is reviewing its business priorities and finally putting human capital at the center, approving an experiment that opens up potential for employees who want to better manage family and work lives. or those who wish to update their professional skills. reduce the work week to four days, Several companies have already introduced this innovation, from Hitachi Ltd. to Mizuho Financial Group Inc., Fast Retailing Company (Uniqlo) to Panasonic. Notably, Hi-Tech Products Holding has announced that a four-day working week will be made available to some employees by the end of the fiscal year that has just begun.

The Japanese government has approved an economic policy based on the so-called new capitalism.

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The initiative is part of a change in the sensibility of companies that goes hand in hand with the New Economic Policy inaugurated last year by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, theorist of “new capitalism”., Rate Used to indicate the overcoming of traditional capitalism, which has produced “efficiency, entrepreneurial spirit and vitality, bringing prosperity to the world economy in the long run”, as well as various distortions on a global scale, such as That climate change, and deepening inequality and poverty. As told by the Prime Minister himself in an interview Corriere della SeraThis new economic theory predicts that development “begins with solving social problems such as digitization and climate change”, aiming for “a sustainable economy and society”, with large investments in people, “a source of creation value”. .

Scotland was one of the first countries in the world to experiment with a short work week. Thanks to the 10 million pounds (about 12 million euros) funding fund, where workers will have their working hours reduced by 20% without any economic deduction from their wages. Before the outbreak of the pandemic, between 2015 and 2019, Iceland had already cut experimental work without any reduction in wages, with working weeks of 35 or 36 hours., The encouraging results achieved in terms of employee productivity convinced the government to implement this change on a large scale and today, according to Forbes, almost 90% of the working population has reduced hours. Significant reduction in work stress and burnout, and improved work-life balance,

Japan working week 4 days

The short work week reduced tension and irritation among employees.

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The countries that have started the short week are also Spainwho has agreed to reduce employee hours to 32 hours per week without a cut in pay for the next three years, and United Arab Emirates which is introduced since 2022 – the first country in the world – a four-and-a-half-day working week: Monday to Thursday it starts at 7.30 and ends at 15.30, while on Friday the hours are from 7.30 to 12.00 from the long weekend are first. , Finally, there is another country undergoing experimentation Belgium, which gives employees the option to keep the current 38 working hours to five days or to condense them into four, working more days for the remainder of the week, for the next six months. The initiative is part of a reform package that also includes the so-called “right to disconnect”, that is, the right to Turn off device and ignore task messages After office hours without fear of any disciplinary action. With hope that after two difficult years of the pandemic, work-life balance will improve. It is also, in the end, civilization.

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