What is it and how to use it?

Google Illustrations: ¿Qué es y cómo usarlo?

google pictures This is a new device from Vishal technological Which allows us to create and customize profile images to make them unique in an easy and fast way.

This new function provides a wide and colorful range of images from which the user can choose to personalize the image to be used in other applications such as Workspace, Gmail, Contacts, Calendar, etc.

According to GoogleThe new tool allows everyone to have a more secure, creative and personalized alternative to profile images.

However, the most interesting part of Google Illustrations is that the collection of images is customizable, so anyone can use them to design an image of their choice.

Photo: Google

You can adjust the color and focus of pictures, whether you want to use the whole object or just part of some images, so the result will always be the same. profile picture Totally unique and different.

How to use Google Illustrations?

To access Google Graphics, you’ll need to have access to your Gmail account.

Once there, you’ll need to click on your profile image, which is located in the top right corner of the screen, where you’ll have to select the “Profile Image” option.

Then, you need to select the “Add Profile” option so that the large collection of pictures and images available for editing will be automatically opened for you.

From that point on, your creativity will be the only limit, as you can play with different images and colors to create the perfect profile image for you.

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