Cell phone from George in human urine! The strange discovery of British scientists

  Cell phone from George in human urine!  The strange discovery of British scientists

UK scientists have succeeded in finding a way to charge cell phones with urine.

A team of researchers in Bristol, England has developed a new clean energy fuel cell that can convert human waste into electricity.

It is said that it can power homes and charge cell phones throughout the day. The P Power project was publicly tested two years ago at the Glastonbury Festival.

Then scientists proved that toilets can generate static electricity. Not only this but it also helps to use it to charge mobile phones, light bulbs and robots.

There are plans to use that electricity in homes as well. The director of Bristol Bioenergy said the device can operate a 300 watt light bulb for 30 hours or 10 light bulbs for 10 hours.

The average person generates two to two and a half liters of liquid waste per day.

That is, if there is a family of five people, then there will be 10 to 12 liters of urine in it. Europoulos says this is enough to provide a continuous supply of power to a measured microbial fuel cell system.

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