Barga. at the beginning of the Scottish week in

 Barga.  at the beginning of the Scottish week in

Barga. at the beginning of the Scottish week in


From editorial board

A weekend in Bargaa with a taste of Scotland. In fact, the weekend dedicated to Scotland and the Barga-Scott connection, which has always made Barga “Italy’s most Scottish city”, is back.

A weekend in Bargaa with a taste of Scotland. In fact, the weekend dedicated to Scotland and the Barga-Scott connection, which has always made Barga “Italy’s most Scottish city”, is back.

On Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 September bagpipes and Scottish dances will reverberate in the alleys and squares of the Historic Center and fans will have the gastronomy and products of the Land of Scotland. Without forgetting culture, thanks to the presentation of books that trace the thin thread that unites the two lands even after centuries.

inauguration of Scottish Weekend On Saturday 10 September at 11am in the Council Room of the Palazzo Pancrazi there will be a presentation of the Tweed de Barga, chosen by the city to represent Barga and created by renowned Scottish weavers Jimmy Hutchison and Erica Douglas from Dundee.

Now the municipality, after choosing the right color, presents its tweed called “The Bells of Barga”, where the red of the terracotta roofs, the deep blue of the sky, the yellow of the houses, the green of the olive groves predominate. ,

Highlights are the sound of the bagpipes that will fill Bargaa’s historic center with a Scottish atmosphere on Sundays from 3 to 5 p.m.; Scottish dance evening proposed and organized by John Murphy at Piazzale del Fosso (Saturday 10 September from 9 p.m.); The show “A Scottish Dance Trip”, with a presentation of historical and traditional Scottish dances, will be held on Sunday 11 September from 5 to 6.30 pm at the Volta dei Mainchi by Circolo di Lucca of the Societ della Danza.

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From Saturday morning and for two more days, various stands of Scottish products and articles will be present in the historic center between Piazza del Sargentone, Palazzo Balduini and Piazza Garibaldi: distinctive Scottish products, articles and jewelry, clothing.

It will be possible to taste typical Scottish cuisine and flavors on both Saturday and Sunday for lunch or dinner in various locations in Bargaa’s historic center and beyond, and a “Scottish breakfast” in the gardens on Sunday mornings among various moments. Of Villa Gherardi. Speaking of tastings, on Saturday 10am, from 5 to 8 p.m., Gold of Scotland will offer a mini course and a tasting of Scottish whiskey at Palazzo Balduini.

Also presentation of various books related to Scotland during the two days. There will also be several “Barga-Scott Connection” exhibitions.

surname: Scottish week, noiTV, Barga


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