Biscuits and Gravy, the two-faced kitten, dies

Cat gives birth to kitten with two faces

The adorable kitten, born on May 20 on an Oregon farm, died only three days after his birth. He was one of six puppies born to Keenly, a cat owned by the King family.

Biscuits and Gravy had two noses, four eyes and two small mouths. He had only one brainstem, but he could eat, suck and meow on both faces. In the beginning, it was going very well, according to the family vet.

“He ate a lot, peed and pooped a lot. He didn’t grow up. It is hard work for a little man like him to support a big head with two full faces,” the family wrote on Facebook monitoring of Biscotti and Gravy’s progress pages.

Two-faced cats are known as “Janus” cats, named after the Roman god Janus, who had two faces: one looking to the past and the other to the future.

Although these rare kittens usually don’t survive for more than a day, a two-sided cat named Frank and Louie has challenged the odds and lived for 15 years, even appearing in the Guinness World Record book in 2006.

Biscuits and Gravy “was born with the longest chance and living almost 4 days, beat those odds,” said the King family on Facebook.

To take care of him, the King family had to take on much of Keenly’s maternal duties. This included regular feedings and kept him warm.

Shortly before Biscuits and Gravy’s death, the King family published a short tribute to him Facebook.

“Biscuits and Gravy is definitely a gift, God has allowed this little miracle to enter our life for some reason. My hope and prayer is that the love and sacrifice of Jesus are shown through this little life,” they wrote .

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The King family had decided to keep Biscuits and Gray and give away the rest of the waste, which had been born healthy. But Saturday night they mourned his loss.

“We thank all of you who have been so kind, pray and wanted the best for biscuits and gravy. So many of you are concerned and want to follow his progress, and some have said very nice things to us and about us. We will never forget your kindness, “said the family on Facebook.


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