Britain approves tunnel construction near Stonehenge, due to aggression: NPR

Britain approves tunnel construction near Stonehenge, due to aggression: NPR

Visitors and tourists flock around the ancient monument at Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England in 2012.

Matt Cardi / Getty Images


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Matt Cardi / Getty Images

Visitors and tourists flock around the ancient monument at Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England in 2012.

Matt Cardi / Getty Images

Visit the famous Stonehenge of England and you will have to face it Mysterious landmark It was for millennia.

But as you stare at prehistoric Standing stones Which is visited by thousands of people and a World Heritage Site, You may notice something else.

The car.

This is because a highway is notorious for traffic congestion along the Stonehenge site. The English Heritage, which manages the monument, says adding a tunnel to mute the noise and hide cars will help.

A tunnel would benefit traffic and “do justice to the ancient stones and the prehistoric landscape in which they stand.” Says.

However, critics argue that it will do more harm than good.

On Thursday, Britain’s Transport Secretary Valid 2.2 billion project to build at least two miles long tunnel near Stonehenge. This overruled Recommended Planning inspectors, who advised the government to withhold consent.

A303 drives a car on the road near Stonehenge.

Andre Pattendon / Courtesy: English Heritage


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Andre Pattendon / Courtesy: English Heritage

A303 drives a car on the road near Stonehenge.

Andre Pattendon / Courtesy: English Heritage

The Stonehenge Alliance, the advocacy group for the landmark, says Thursday Statement He “sincerely regrets the decision that will send shockwaves around the world.”

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The group is concerned that the planned tunnel will be too short. The site is about 3.3 miles long, so if the tunnel is only two miles long, it will be built within that perimeter, the organization says.

In addition to aesthetic concerns, there is a danger that the land facilities and treasures will be destroyed before they can be built. Found by archaeologists.

Even UNESCO Requested In 2018 that tunnel should be lengthened and advice against constructions near Stonehenge should be given. UNESCO did not respond to a request for comment by publication time.

Stonehenge Alliance Said The project “will be the largest human intervention in the area, respected and revered by more than a hundred generations of our ancestors. It will cause irreparable damage.”

Opponents of the project have a six-week period to challenge them in court.

Druid King Arthur Pendregan operates the Solitis Sunset service as people gather at the megalithic monument in Stonehenge in 2010.

Matt Cardi / Getty Images


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Matt Cardi / Getty Images

Druid King Arthur Pendregan operates the Solitis Sunset service as people gather at the megalithic monument in Stonehenge in 2010.

Matt Cardi / Getty Images

A man who identifies himself as a druid says he will fall in front of a bulldozer in an attempt to stop the construction of the project.

Arthur Pendragon, who claims to be the reincarnation of King Arthur, says he expects a major backlash with voting from around the world. According to The Guardian.

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“If they really want to do this they have to do it right through that long tunnel, not one that pushes up at both ends of the World Heritage site.”

Despite the reaction, Stoneheng’s executive body maintained that this was good news.

“This is a landmark day for Stonehenge,” said Kate Mover, the organization’s chief executive, in a statement to NPR. “Placing the noisy and intruder A303 inside a tunnel will reconnect Stonehenge with the surrounding prehistoric landscape and help future generations to better understand and appreciate this wonder of the world.”

“We will now continue to work closely with Heritage Partners,” he added, “to ensure that the final route plan is the best outcome for Stonehenge.”


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