Budget, over 6 billion for investment over the next three years

Budget, over 6 billion for investment over the next three years

6 billion for the three-year period 2022-2024 and an investment of over 47 million. This is what provides for the budget adjustment of the Capitol, which was presented yesterday to the city council by Councilor Sylvia Skócz. The recovery of funds comes from state and territorial capital transfers that “amount 885 million, 345 million more than in January, of which 700 million pertained to PNRR,” Skoczez said.

“In the capital account, Roma Capital allocated 1.7 billion in January for investments, and today, with two changes, it has risen to 2.8 billion. Resources have been increased with an administration surplus of 475 million”. Another recovery “comes from the shortage of mortgages. Their value in the budget is 686 million, today we have reached 635. We save 51 million which is intended for the current portion”, the councilor explained.

Osp. income of

Then would come 29 million more from the taxes of businesses in the public land (OSP) of Dehors and Tables. Free during the two years of the pandemic, they returned to being regularly paid. “We have a tax assessment that is 29 million higher for public land (OSP) businesses, because obviously the regime has changed: we went through the covid emergency that had restrictions in May when we applied, a With the resolution, new tariffs,” added Skoczez. On the current revenue front in the forecast budget for 2022, which was valued at 5 billion and 550 million, today 6 billion and 122 million are detected “as we have implemented a restricted surplus of 389 million”. In all, 572 million has been recovered on the current revenue.

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In parallel, however, the provision for the tourist tax was reduced by 14 million. “The offices were expecting more tourist attendance in the first 6 months of the year, which did not happen due to covid. Considering the significant attendance recorded by us, we believe that this shortfall of income can be corrected and autumn can be traced to the settlement of the season” Skozies.

Criticism of the centre-right

This act is getting sharp criticism from the opposition. “The budget agreement under discussion in the Capital is a useless document, the initiatives implemented are fragile and inconsistent, the departments do little” rumbles Northern League councilor Fabrizio Santori. “The mayor continues to sleep in his golden world and the Romans are shrouded in filth and decay, fall prey to poor security and are exposed to a serious and persistent health risk among wild boars and bonfires. Rome burns but a Not the shaky vanity of. The Democratic Party that ignores citizens and is unable to respond to their needs. It matters little that the Economic and Financial Audit Board approved the document: indeed, Oreff himself has many doubts. expressed, with recommendations that once again the risk is being ignored”.


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