Decision does not end Scottish independence debate

Decision does not end Scottish independence debate

Scotland cannot call an independence referendum without London’s consent. This decision of the UK Supreme Court is clear. Would like…

Archive – Supporters of Scottish independence attend a demonstration in Edinburgh.Jane Barlow / PA Wire / dpa

London/Edinburgh,The Scottish Parliament cannot hold an independence referendum without London’s approval. Despite the decision of the highest British judges, the debate about the separation of the northernmost part of the country is anything but over. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak spoke of a “clear and final verdict” on Wednesday. But Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced she would stick to the independence course and raised her voice against London.

“We should be in no doubt that from today democracy is at stake,” Sturgeon said in Edinburgh. The ruling, which she accepts, has dispelled the “myth” that UK partners are a voluntary association. Time asked rhetorically for the Scottish pro-independence campaign: “Is this a union or a prison?” Liz Savile Roberts, leader of the pro-independence Wales Plaid Cymru party, said: “This decision highlights the fundamentally undemocratic nature of Westminster rule.”

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Sturgeon spoke of a “bitter pill” but made it clear that her Scottish National Party (SNP) would now hold the British general election planned for 2024 as a de facto referendum. The BBC commented that, should pro-independence supporters – including the Greens and SNP splinter Alba – win a majority, Sturgeon would take the vote as a mandate. Political scientist Kirsty Hughes described the move as shrewd. Because if the majority of Scots do indeed vote for these parties, the pressure on London will continue to mount.

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However, other experts consider Sturgeon’s course to be risky. Pollster James Johnson tweeted: “I hope this will be a gift to Labor in Scotland. Scotland’s swing voters are fed up with talk of a referendum.” The pro-independence Labor Party, which was once in power in Scotland, has lost massive votes in recent years to the SNP, which has a similar social democratic position. In elections, yes and no camps have long been broadly But it has been equal.

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The Scottish government asked the Supreme Court to clarify whether the regional parliament in Edinburgh could hold a referendum without London’s consent. Sturgeon scheduled such an “advisory” and non-binding vote for 2023. In the first referendum in 2014, a majority of Scots voted to remain in the union. For London, the question has been decided. However, Sturgeon argues that Brexit, which the Scots rejected outright in 2016, has changed the situation. She wants to bring an independent Scotland back into the European Union. In Edinburgh, a pro-independence majority is in the majority.

“The Scottish Parliament does not have the power to legislate for a referendum on Scottish independence,” said Chief Justice Robert Reid. Because the question comes under the matters reserved for the Central Government. Prime Minister Sturgeon said she was ready to talk to Sunak about a new referendum deal at any time. But he is sure that she will refuse.

In the British Parliament, the Prime Minister parried questions from SNP MPs about how he could in good conscience talk of voluntary union when Scotland was being denied the right to a democratic decision in an independence referendum. Instead, Sunak echoed former Prime Minister Theresa May’s statement urging the SNP to end its “obsession” with independence. Alister Jack, UK Secretary of State for Scotland, said: “If we work together as one United Kingdom, we will be safer, stronger and more prosperous.”

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In the late afternoon, many people wanted to demonstrate in several Scottish towns for independence for their part of the country. Smaller celebrations were also planned in some European cities such as Berlin and Munich.


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