Dornbirn Solar Power Plant: Five new grid-connected plants – Dornbirn

Dornbirn Solar Power Plant: Five new grid-connected plants - Dornbirn

Dornbirn Solar Power Plant: Five Plants in Operation
©SmartCityDornbirn/Russmedia/Dornbirn Stadt

The five photovoltaic systems planned as part of the participatory campaign “Solar Power Plant Dornbirn” have been completed in the past few weeks.

“The systems on the roofs of Wallenhamad Elementary School, Wallenhamad Kindergarten, Fischbach Alternative School, Wetzeneg Fire Station and Enz Forestry Center are already connected to the grid and producing climate-neutral electricity. Meeting points at Kehlegh Fire Station and Aach But two systems are under construction and will go into operation this year,” reports Mayor Dipl.-Vw. Andrea Kaufman.

kiga valenmahdi

Kindergarten Walenmahd
© Dornburn. city

financing of solar power plants

The new solar power plants are financed through a public partnership project in which 500 Dornburn residents took part by purchasing “Sunshine”. “Renewable energy sources make us financially independent and help us on our way to a climate-neutral city. With Dornbirn solar power plants, Dornbirn residents who are unable to install their own photovoltaic systems can also contribute were capable,” says Energy City Councilor Karin Feuerstein-Pichler.

forsthof anzu

forsthof anzu
© Dornburn. city

The seven new photovoltaic systems on the roofs of municipal buildings complement the existing 23 systems, which already have an output of approximately 685 kWp. The new solar power plants add another 290 kWp. In total, the city will draw electricity for about 260 homes from the sun, with existing and new systems. This is a CO. corresponds to2
Saving of about 265 tonnes per year.

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improving climate balance

Thus the city is making a significant contribution to improving the climate balance and is taking another step towards tripling energy generation from solar energy by 2030. “As a successful e5 municipality that has just been awarded the European Energy Prize in gold again, Dornburn is a leader in energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. New solar power plants and their direct participation With this opportunity, we wanted to involve the people of Dornburn in our energy and environment program and inspire them to take smart and sustainable climate measures in their region.” Carin Feuerstein-Pichler, the city councilor responsible for energy efficiency, says.

Karin Feuerstein Pichler at the SmartCity Competition 2020

City Councilor Karin Feuerstein-Pichler
©SmartCity Dornbirn/RussiaMedia

These new solar power plants are already in operation:

  • Walenmahad Primary School
  • Kindergarten Walenmahd
  • Fischbach. alternative schools in
  • Watzenegg. fire station in
  • forsthof anzu

These solar power plants will be commissioned soon:

  • fire station in kehleg
  • meeting point in Acho

(VOL.AT/Dornbirn Aktuell)


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