Draghi remembers Elsa Fornero (but won’t deal with pension)

Draghi remembers Elsa Fornero (but won't deal with pension)

that first Mario Draghi Former Labor and Equal Opportunity Minister remembered elsa fornero. There are those who write “Smaco” for Salvini and those who remember “Fake“Fornero’s tears in the time of the Monti government, leaving Fornero’s role in this government.

elsa fornero He is an economist, so Italians expect to see him in this capacity and indeed it will be. But, it is important to mention, He won’t deal with pensions, will instead be part of the team of experts Governing Council for Economic Policy. Can Italians heave a sigh of relief?

Per Matteo Salvini – which at the time of the Monti government specifically undertook to discredit Fornero and ask for his exile on an island – “Doesn’t assure us that the former minister is a government advisor“, He writes.

return of elsa fornero

whether or not Elsa Fornero will be part of the nascent council Guidelines for the economic policy desired by the Under Secretary to the post of President of the Council Bruno Tabasi.

Among the names of the council are: Giuseppe Guzzetti, President of the Cariplow Foundation; Annamaria Tarantula; Assolombarda. Vice President of Antonio Calabri; Confessorcenti. leader of Patrizia De Louis; economist alessandra lanza; Mauro Magati; alessandro weight; Equal Opportunity Department Coordinator Monica Parrella; Bocconi. Professor of Finance in Paola Prophet; Councilor of the Court of Auditors Sylvia Scozzi; specialist in welfare policies alessandra saveri; Former Secretary General of the Chamber mauro zampini; alessandro palanza; and founder of Sensys, giuseppe de rita.

Along with the other 14 directors, Fornero will again deal with economic policy, but only as an advisor and not with regard to pensions.

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What is the business address of Elsa Fornero?

Fornero has never stopped commenting on political choices over the years. From minister to columnist, his voice on the economy has never been lacking.

Elderly Employment Rate:

Above all a fight immediately surrounded the former minister with criticism:Increase in employment rate among the elderly. Work is a subject that touches everyone’s mind. Whereas young people are referred to as “demanding”, in clear reference to the idea that “young people don’t want to work”, The elderly are asked to work as long as they are in good health.

Fournero’s speech begins with the assumption that We should not weigh on the country Working with early pensions and for the elderly does not limit the recruitment of youth, but in practice all this remains to be seen.

Quota 100:

Fournero has always been clear about the starting pension: she would have preferred something else to renew the quota of 100. This is because, as he himself told, “The only reform in Europe they’re not asking us to do is on pensions that we’ve already done

Matteo Salvini’s reaction to Dragis’ appointment

There are online newspapers that wanted to recall a long series of attacks by Matteo Salvini to the former minister. They start in 2014 with a lapidary: “Fornero has ruined millions of Italians“; and continue until May 2017, when they still “likely remember”Send Signora Fornero into exile on a desert island

after the announcement of Mario Draghi of remembrance of elsa fornero, the league replied with a question. Matteo Salvini specified that: “in the light of the upcoming deadline of quota 100 (2021) we don’t feel calm

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