Elsa Fornero advisor to Draghi government: League questioned

Elsa Fornero advisor to Draghi government: League questioned

Elsa Fornero, former Minister of Labor and Social Policies in the Monti government, will be the free advisor to the Draghi government on the subject of economic policy coordination. Announce the institution of the Governing Council, which also includes the former Minister, Planning and Coordination Department of Economic Policy (DIEP). An appointment that however has triggered more than a stomach ache within the league.

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You can read on the Dipp website That “under secretary to the Prime Minister, Bruno Tabacchi, based on the delegation received from President Mario Draghi”, “proceeded with two separate decrees already registered to establish a Governing Council, which would act, free of charge, to guide strengthen and efficient programmatic activity on the theme of economic policy coordination in DIPE”. The body will be headed by Under Secretary Tabachi himself in coordination with Professor Marco Leonardi, Head of DIPE. In the team, in addition to the former minister, Antonio Calabru, Patrizia de Luis, Giuseppe de Rita, Giuseppe Guzzetti, Alessandra Lanza, Mauro Magatti, Alessandro Palanza, Alessandro Pazno, Monica Parrella, Paola Profetta, Silvia Scozze, Alessandra Cervidori, Anna Mauro Zampini.

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Of all the names, however, there is the name of Elsa Fornero (linked to pension reform and the “escape” case), which led the league to turn its nose up at the point to submit a question on the assignment to the majority force. . In particular, Matteo Salvini’s party wants to seek clarification on what objectives the former minister will serve. And especially to understand whether it is true that “there will be a fight that Fornero intends to take and that will aim at increasing the employment rate among the elderly in good health, increasing the age of access for older people.” Via. -Age Pension. “.

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Durigon: “I hope the situation is not pension related”

Mayf Claudio Durrigan’s Under Secretary of the League also spoke on the subject. “I hope – he said – that this is not a post related to pension reform because it will go against the trend that the country needs today. I hope it will not lead to the withdrawal of the Fornero law. To make our companies competitive, For this the country needs an adequate pension slide.”


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