Environment, as the youth leaders’ summit in Milan ends

Youth4Climate, un momento della plenaria finale (foto: Antonio Piemontese)

Youth4climate ends, program in COP26 preparation program. Young people protest decisions made on old data and governments’ sly commitments

Youth4Climate, a moment from the final plenary season (Photo: Antonio Piemonti)

They don’t trust. “How is this possible fight climate change If the data is already year old when it was published?“. This is one of those questions, perhaps one of the most meaningful questions posed by boys. youth4climate final plenary session, a Milanese event that brought together four hundred youth delegates to discuss climate change and suggest adults to meet at COP26 in Glasgow in early November.

The three-day event in Lombardy, the first of its kind (as Ecological Transition Minister Roberto Cingolani, the landowner, did not fail to repeat) saw the city open its doors despite the pandemic. NS four discussion tables (with swabs every 48 hours) have prepared a joint document that will be presented at a meeting of diplomats and experts in Glasgow. a meeting-Demon On which many expectations are cast, but fraught with difficulties due to the need to accept requests from countries vastly different in terms of interests and degree of development.

Youth4Climate: Topics that emerged

The weight of economic disparities in the perception of climate change, promises not kept, the ambiguity of declarations among the key points that emerged from the Milanese debate. but also on the plate more problems those who do not speak the most common languages ​​and find it difficult to reach Less educated sections of the population, loans disguised as aidhandjob Corruption which prevents funds from reaching local communities.

designed to give a voice to new generations (half of the world’s population is under thirty and most of them live in developing countries), youth4climate he kept me The youth leaders of tomorrow in the face of the contradictions of international politics, for the first time in many cases. They were apparently replaced in the hours, with the excitement of the arrival Fatigue, restlessness and disillusionment. And it was not only the difficulty of summarizing the positions that undermined the sentiment of the participants.

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Before leaving the Lombard capital, the youth had the opportunity to meet and Talk to ministers from about twenty countries, arrived in town to attend the Pre-Cop, the initial summit for Scottish appointment. And they did not fail to uncover the contradictions. “This was supposed to be a moment of confrontation, come here instead your prepared speech and prepackaged answers”, alleged one participant, of what was there for all to see.

an organization that worked

Although the impact was hard with the reality of the assemblies, for many the experience was positive overall. The skimming process which resulted in the selection of four hundred representatives from over eight thousand applications received, has brought an avant-garde future global ruling class, who will meet and stay in touch in the shadow of the Duomo thanks to the platform. There are people who, like an Indian representative, are already organizing a network and have invited colleagues to join. Lots of Twitter profiles, Instagram, business cards exchanged. Twenty-year-old (in some cases even younger) ready, aware, ambitious.

We will make sure his voice reaches the Glasgow SummitCommented Alok Sharma, British minister and COP26 designated president. From the organizational point of view, the appointment of Milanese can be called successful. “a milestone”, Singolani defined it, hoping it would become a tradition. And about the subject of the data he commented: “This is an important issue. We are surrounded by artificial intelligence, we have data that tells us everything, even when the food we order is delivered to us, but there is still a lot to do with this information .

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Answering questions from journalists Singolani promises increased commitment to Italy in the transfer of resources to To help developing countries in their energy transition and in managing the consequences of climate change. The goal is to reach one billion euros a year: at the moment, estimates on the commitment of the beautiful country speak of $600 million. “it just won’t be enough“He said, but this is a starting point.


Prime Minister’s speech in the morning Mario Draghi, present with the head of state, sergio matarella, was interrupted by a protest by a small group of protesters with placards shouting slogans. The peaceful and duly recognized protesters were removed. Outside the building, three groups of protesters attempted to block access to the venue, the Maiko Convention Centre. For some time there was a situation of tension, due to which the police identified three people.


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