European Union: Immunity removed from Catalan MEPs

European Union: Immunity removed from Catalan MEPs

The feud on Catalonia reopened. The European Parliament has lifted immunity from former head of Barcelona regional government Carles Puigdemont and two other Catalit MEPs. Referendum on the region’s independence from Madrid in 2017

Giancarlo La Vella – Vatican City

The European Parliament has decided that the three Catalan MEPs, Carles Puigdemont, Tony Komi and Clara Ponsato, no longer have immunity. The deputation thus expressed itself in favor of 400 votes, against 248 and 45 with indecency. The trio will have to answer in Spain for the crimes of treason and embezzlement in connection with the events in October 2017, when Puigdemont organized a local referendum on Catalonia’s independence, a consultation that illegally defined the Spanish constitution . Regional change in the country should be pronounced by all Spaniards. It was a round of daily demonstrations with harsh intervention by the police. When the Madrid judiciary issued related arrest warrants, Puigdemont and the other two depots opted to stay in Brussels to avoid ending up in prison. Following the decision of the European Parliament, now the possible extradition of three leaders to Spain, who have always needed it, is in the hands of Belgian and Scottish justice for Ponsati.

In the hands of all the judges

The Spanish judiciary, awaiting the issuance of a new European arrest warrant against the three MEPs, will seek the opinion of the Brussels Court of Justice. The decision of the European judges is valid as a guarantee on the success of any other step that the Spanish people are about to take. Meanwhile, lawyers for Carles Puigdemont also announced an appeal to the European Court of Justice, while a Spanish court has quashed the quasi-independence of seven other independence leaders. In short, the confrontation between Madrid continues, suggesting that Catalonia is an internal issue and not a European one, and that speaks of political oppression in progress.

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