Fury Road villain Hugh Keys-Byrne has died

Fury Road villain Hugh Keys-Byrne has died

Mad Max Actor Hyung Keys-Burne, who appeared in the first movie and a recent reboot Mad Max: Fury Road, Have died.

Filmmaker Ted Geosheg announced the death of the 73-year-old on Twitter. The cause of death could not be confirmed.

Keys-Byrne originally appeared in the 1979 movie Tokutor, the leader of a motorcycle gang that terrorized a small town in Distopion Australia. He also played Immorton, the tyrannical ruler of the Australian wasteland, who led the Boys and Boys in the 2015s. Fury Road.

Wrote to Geosheg: “Hugh Keys-Byrne, the helpless hero of AC cinema, has died at the age of 73. I am constantly told that he played the role of the central anti-Tokutator of the 1979 Mad Max * and * Amratan J, the central anti-2015 Mad Max: Fury Road. Thanks for all the entertainment, sir. “

Keys-Byrne also appeared in several British and Australian Australian projects after his time as a stage actor, including Stone, Chain reaction, Starship (A.k.a. Lorca and Outlaws And 2084) And Resistance, The latter of which he also directed.

He also tackled roles such as the Royal Shakespeare Company creation You Like It, The Balcony, Hamlet and King Lear.

Fury Road Got four and a half stars from N.M.E. When it came out, it was described as “a film full of epic action sequences, including screen-filled sandstorms, the shadowload of exploding automobiles, and the crash of Crazy Canyon on an 18-wheeled truck.”

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“This relentless onslaught of thrill, spill and burning grills is also commemorated by the bleach out background of Oscar-winning cinematographer John Seeley. [The English Patient)], WHO [director George] Miller was tempted to retire to create vibrant and sometimes bizarre scenes. “

Meanwhile, it was recently confirmed Queen’s Gambit Star Anya Taylor-Joy will play the lead role Mad Max: Fury Road prequel Angry.


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