In line for overseas travellers: Virtual SIM cards for phones

eSIM / צילום: Shutterstock, DenPhotos

These days, a virtual SIM card is being launched in Israel that provides an Israeli number and an international number, through which you can be “hosted” on a local network in the country where you can make calls and surfing ( roaming) for profit. Services). The card eliminates the physical SIM card used by some of those going abroad to work on the local network (with a different number), and the surfing packages offered by cellular providers to those traveling abroad, They cost hundreds of shekels per trip.

eSIM is offered by the Israeli telecommunications company Global1SIM, and can also be used as a regular subscription for those who frequently call abroad or receive international calls. The company operates through Cellact, which has an operator license from the Ministry of Communications (Operations). on Pelephone Infrastructure) NIS 69 which includes 1GB surfing and up to NIS99 per month package which includes 3GB surfing.

And how does it work? Apple and Android device owners add another mobile program through the device settings via QR code scan that will work using a line that can be activated when needed. Another option is to set the line to the primary or secondary provider through Settings. You can add up to eight different vendors and numbers. Through membership, you receive an Israeli number (with area code 055), and an American or British number. The master number can also be activated when browsing e-commerce sites with an American number.

Itzik Cohen, CEO of Global1SIM, tells the Globes that surfing quotas are earned, so if there’s a balance of surfing in the package, it moves into the next month. Just like in the world of tourism, everything has become virtual, including flight tickets, so roaming services abroad are virtual.

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“Cellular companies will have to change their pricing models. An open secret is that a large part of the profits of cellular companies in the country depends on the sale of expensive overseas packages and even more expensive roaming services We offer 50% savings on cellular expenses overseas and “eliminates all the logistical process involved.”

You can say that cellular companies are not “dead” on you.
“True, but it’s impossible to lag behind in terms of cost technically and in everything related to mobile usage services overseas. We’re taking the sector a step further than where tourism services are today.” Equipment allow some operators to enter, means the introduction cannot be prevented.”

The company was founded in 2005, and serves 13 countries in which it operates through resellers/franchisees – including the United States, Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Australia and Italy. Roaming services are active in about 100 countries, including the United States, European countries, most Far Eastern countries, the United Arab Emirates and more.


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