“More likely to collapse state” «kleinezeitung.at

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Scotland’s nationalists want an independence referendum, with Northern Ireland aiming for unity with the Republic of Ireland: a famous British political scientist Simon Griffiths over a crumbling state.

From Thomas Golcer | 05.45, 30 January 2021

© (c) Getty Images (Peter Dazeley)

Mr Griffith, Scots are pushing towards a new independence referendum, surveying shows growing desire for a united Ireland – and even in Wales is inclined toward secularism: as British domestic affairs expert How seriously would you rate. The Kingdom of the United Kingdom?
Simon GRIFFITHS: The most obvious sticking point is Scotland: the National Party dominates the NPS Scottish Parliament. After the parliamentary elections in May the parliamentary group should have a majority, Nicola Sturgeon (NPS party leader and “First Minister”, note) announced some time ago that he would hold a second independence referendum. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants to boycott it – the basis of a highly dangerous deadlock, as we have also seen in Catalonia.

How is Northern Ireland doing?
The Brexit deal creates a real trade barrier between Northern Ireland and mainland Great Britain. As a result, the Northern Irish economy will align with the Republic of Ireland. However, the current situation is undoubtedly leading to severe tensions in historically divided regions.

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