NASA is testing a catapult designed to launch satellites into space

NASA is testing a catapult designed to launch satellites into space

in april Castle NASA a contract with US Startups “Spin Launch” far. The company has a huge centrifuge has been developed which will one day launch satellites into space.

After the first successful tests, SpinLaunch now has a projectile with it for the first time objects Shot using the mass accelerator on board. The company recently announced Press release with. The purpose of the trial was to assess the impact of Vishal g force To check sensitive cargo on board.

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What started as an innovative idea has evolved into noisy spinlaunch boss Jonathan Yane evolved into a technologically mature approach. In “Slingshot”, a projectile is attached to a carbon fiber arm in a vacuum chamber and made to rotate. is it speed 8,000 kph is reached, it is thrown out by an opening flap.

In the present test, the height of the projectile reached 7,600 meters, For comparison, passenger aircraft fly at an altitude of approx. 11,000 meters, On board were test objects and equipment from Airbus, NASA, Cornell University and satellite manufacturer Outpost Space – including satellite sensors and small on-board computers. He faced the enormous stress he had to face during the launch. 10,000G. until Work done on objects during acceleration.

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“The data and insights gained from the flight tests will be invaluable – both for SpinLaunch as we move forward with development of the system, and for our customers who expect us to provide them with cost-effective, high-performance, and … sustainable access in space,” Spinlaunch founder Yani said in a statement. Cited,

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The test was conducted at a facility in the US state new Mexico to be done. From there satellites will be launched into orbit in the future. To reach the upper atmosphere, a small rocket engine stage must also be ignited. This gives extra thrust to the projectile. In general, however, the company promises to consume less fuel than conventional starting systems and thus more climate friendly than having the competition.

spinlaunch hopes 2026 weighing satellite 200 kg to send into space.


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