New Prime Minister announced in Skozik

New Prime Minister announced in Skozik

Queen Elizabeth’s health condition is worrying she may formalize the new British prime minister at her palace in Scotland.

Queen Elizabeth’s health condition worries doctors who may have advised her not to leave the Palace of Balmoral in Scotland, where she is vacationing. The hypothesis of a new prime minister being announced in Scotland rather than London is increasingly probable.

Queen Elizabeth, the situation is worried

The concern of doctors and subjects for them is increasing day by day. The state of health of Queen Elizabeth.

Raj is spending his holidays here Balmoral Palace, in Scotland, but on 5 September the 96-year-old monarch must confer the post of prime minister to the winner of the Conservative Party primary, a ritual that has traditionally always taken place in London. Buckingham Palace either Windsor Castle,

However, due to his mobility problems, this year doctors will forbid him to move, and the hypothesis of the new prime minister’s announcement away from London takes on more and more substance.

Historical change of program?

According to Sunday, Doctors would have advised him not to leave Scotland. Although the tabloids do not mention the deteriorating health of the queen, they would prefer to follow the line of caution, in order to avoid too much accumulation of stress and fatigue.

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The Queen can only return to London if her condition improves, but the monarch has already had to postpone other institutional commitments in recent months.

Therefore, in all likelihood, the new British Prime Minister will be made official at Balmoral Castle in Scotland on the next 5 September, thus marking the event’s historic change in the political tradition of the United Kingdom.


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