Notebook of the Week – by Giuseppe Tabasso

Salvini trump

All europeans are supporters – One minute after being elected as the new Mollies coordinator of Forza Italia Youth, Released Maticoli from Sant’Agapito (Isernia) declares: “Let’s start with our pro-European and liberal ideals”. Matticoli is young, he does not remember that Berlusconi defined the euro as “a foreign currency”, though his words are indicative of a pro-European turn that is increasingly distinguishing our parts.

Thanks to Drawn super mario, Champion of Europeanness and savior of the euro at all costs (Whatever it takes), Now we are all European supporters, “strictly” like the brand of pasta. Take the time and you’ll see that, after throwing the “No Euro” and “Exit Euro” sweatshirts, the Leggers will flaunt the 12-star badge and have Verdi with Beethoven, “The Humans to Joy” in “They Pensiero” Will change

Even Carcio gets on the drag chariot And the great Altan asks himself in a cartoon: “Everyone pulled on the tram. And vacancy?“.

However, we rejoice, Europeanism enjoys a comforting flashback and Italian populists are pushing a brilliant, albeit instrumental, political synergy.

At this point, however, the big question arises: Would it not make sense to trust pro-European people instead of their duels?

Unmasked – Tell me what mask you wear and I tell you who you are. The overwhelming majority are ordinances, white and blue. Then there are those who have a collection suitable for any event: black, with white balls, tartan dresses, pink, or red and silver for heroic occasions. Nothing to complain about, God Don’t: Never lose that pinch of imagination, challenge and resilience against the damned Kovid. It is no coincidence that women always separated themselves by turning health care equipment into an object of vanity covered with flowers.

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But then there are the leaders, Dr. Trump a Salvini, Those who are reluctant to mask first, then think about it, throw it into politics and Turning into a promotional marketing vehicle. Thus we see a wide variety of facial witnesses that show tricolors, swords, shields, and Alberti da Guesano. In short, the mask that exposes identity antics. ()pay attention. After being a European supporter, Salvini was seen wearing a Ferrari car mask, perhaps to reassure Draghi and Ursula von der Leyen.)

Memento brexit – The Financial Times found that in January 2021, the first month after Brexit, the Amsterdam Stock Exchange traded $ 9.2 billion in shares per day, up fourfold in December 2020. It is to say that Dutch capital has become the largest European equity hub, Last london city, An absolute dominance so far, whose stock trading has fallen by more than 50%: from 17.5 billion daily in 2020 to 8.6 billion today.


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