Obama goes to Scotland and mistakenly mistook Ireland. But one mistake led to another…

 Obama goes to Scotland and mistakenly mistook Ireland.  But one mistake led to another...

Rome, November 10 – “Since here we are Emerald Islands, I quote the Bard, William Shakespeare: ‘How poor are those who have no patience! Apart from the degree, which wound has been healed so far?'”. Like this Barack Obama, in Scotland, he tried to amaze everyone with seemingly polished quotes and references. How not to appreciate Shakespeare’s Othello, on the other hand, pulled out Cop26. during in Glasgow. too bad for sensational gaffeWhich upon closer inspection includes others in the matrioscale tornado enclosed in very few words.

Obama visits Scotland, but thinks it’s Ireland: four mistakes in one

First mistake, rather obvious: Scotland is not an island in itselfIf anything, it is the northernmost country that is part of an island, Great Britain.

The second mistake (contained in the first): The Emerald Islands don’t exist, if anything. Emerald IsleOtherwise known as Green Island.

Third mistake (attached in second): Emerald Isle (Emerald Isle, in English) this is irelandIt is famous for its magnificent expanse of green meadows and valleys.

Fourth mistake: Shakespeare was an Englishman, therefore, not Scottish (at least all Irish). Perhaps the former US president preferred to evoke the national “bard” of Scotland, Robert Burns, who was famous for his verses in the Scots language. By now, however, he had made up Shakespeare’s quote to vibrate the strings of his quasi-cult admirers.

Except for Di Mao

In addition to the Trumpian Baseroom, who shot misbehavior Luigi Di Maio: Wanted a map to give to Barack Obama, Of the historical ones, possibly from the Elizabethan era. Call for Google Maps, a nimble but downright tool for the romantics fit for a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Opening it, a beautiful map, will be the first dance step in avoiding embarrassing stumbling blocks. We certainly cannot revisit the mistakes of the unblemished “bard” of the global press.

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eugenio palazzini


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