One of Trump’s personal valets tested positive for coronavirus

One of Trump's personal valets tested positive for coronavirus

The valets are members of an elite military unit dedicated to the White House and often work very close to the president and first family. Trump was upset when he was informed Wednesday that the valet was positive, a source told CNN, and was later tested again by the White House doctor.

In a statement, the White House confirmed that CNN reported that one of the President’s valets had tested positive.

“We were recently informed by the White House Medical Unit that a member of the United States Army, who works on the White House campus, has tested positive for Coronavirus,” said White House deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley in a note. “Since then, the president and vice president have tested negative for the virus and remain in excellent health.”

A White House source said the valet, an unidentified man, showed “symptoms” on Wednesday morning, and said the news that someone close to Trump turned out to be positive for coronavirus was “hitting the fan. “in the west wing.

Trump, who is a self-described germophobe, chastised helpers before anyone who coughed or sneezed in his presence. He claimed to rarely get sick on his own.
Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and senior officials who regularly interact with them are still tested weekly for coronavirus, two familiar people told CNN.

The White House continues to use the Abbott Labs rapid test, which provides results in about 15 minutes. Several officials who received the test said it is often administered in the Eisenhower Executive Office building, next to the west wing on the White House grounds. A medical officer swabs the staff’s nostrils and informs them that they will receive a notification within minutes if it is positive.

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However, the White House did not impose strict social removal guidelines for staff and few people inside the building wear masks during the day, including parking attendants.

Trump said before traveling aboard Air Force One earlier this week that he wasn’t worried about being in close contact with other people as those around him were regularly tested.

“The test result comes back in five minutes, and we have excellent tests. Or they wouldn’t be allowed to travel with me,” Trump said. “It’s not my choice; it’s a very strong group of people who want to make sure they are tested, including the secret service.”

However, a negative test and a lack of symptoms is not a sure sign that someone cannot spread the virus.

Doctors say that the incubation period for coronavirus varies. The incubation period is the time it takes since you are exposed to the virus to develop symptoms. It goes from 2 to 14 days. The average incubation period is estimated to be five days, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

People can be infectious, meaning they can pass the virus on to someone else, up to two days before they start showing symptoms. Like any other virus, this can vary from person to person.

Coronavirus spreads among people mainly through the respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can then spread to the nose or mouth of nearby people or possibly be inhaled into the lungs, according to the CDC. This type of spread is more likely when people are in close contact with each other, within about six feet.

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The CDC says that people who feel healthy but have had close contacts with a person with Covid-19 recently should stay at home and monitor their health. They should quarantine for 14 days after the last exposure and should check their temperature twice a day and check for symptoms. The CDC also recommends that you stay away from people at greatest risk of becoming seriously ill.

The White House did not say whether Trump would adhere to these guidelines after his valet had tested positive.

Kevin Liptak, Jacqueline Howard, Maggie Fox and Jamie Gumbrecht of CNN contributed to this report.


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