Outlander’s Dilemma – Solved What Sam Heughan Wore Under Jamie Fraser’s Cult

When it was released in 2014, one of the things that dazzled Outlander the most was its incredible staging. The series, which originated in Starz, is one of the few that has found the exact starting point of each era. In its five seasons, also available on Netflix, the band has managed to represent not only different eras but also the different cultures the main characters have gone through.

Apart from this, he also wore the impeccable wardrobe of the hero. Sam HughanaLike Jamie Fraser and Caitriona Balfe, who play Claire Fraser, have always been portrayed as extravagant. But, despite the fact that time moves forward and clothes change in the story written by Diana Gabaldon, fans have the same doubts. And, years later, the mystery was solved.

It is revealed that in the opening season, bringing to life a member of an ancient Scottish clan, Sam Hughana He wore the typical Scottish kilt. These skirts were a delightful depiction of 18th century Britain, with Outlander being able to detail what people were wearing at the time. The main character Jamie Fraser drew a lot of attention with these clothes.

This is because many people have always wondered whether Heughan wore underwear under the Scottish look. Well, now the performer talked about it in an interview.” I’m a real Scotsman and one of the joys of working on the show is wearing a kilt“He began to explain and then added:”it can be very comfortable Which means that he always had the possibility to break free from clothes under these clothes.

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It should be noted that according to the history of Scotland, when skirts first began to be used, tradition dictated that the wearing of underwear was not permitted. For military, except on special occasions, such as performing physical activity, being part of a bagpipe marching band, which were to be marked or participating in acts in which they corresponded with women, anything below It was not necessary to wear.

Anyway nowadays the kilt can be used with underwear. In fact, now it is up to you what to wear under the garment and what not. In this sense we can say that Sam Hughana Her hands were free to decide whether to wear underwear or not. it is obviously We’ll never know in which scenes he avoids wearing his underwear, but perhaps in times when his character was riding a horse, playing a sport, or doing battle, he wore them.,

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