Peeing in the sea this summer may cost you dearly

Uriner dans la mer pourrait vous coûter très cher cet été

The Spanish city of Vigo in Galicia has decided to ban “physical evacuation to the beach or at sea”, as reported local tv channel antennas 3, Therefore urinating in water would be very expensive as there would be a serious fine of up to €750. target ? Make the bravest regrets.

However, the town hall did not explain the procedure to be followed to identify criminal swimmers and then implemented this new law, as explained. independent, So this begs the question: how do the authorities plan to catch the criminals who relieve themselves in the seawater of Vigo?

On Twitter, some internet users were happy with the ban and offered some creative solutions:

“And how are they going to do it? You’ve got to be trained fish, accustomed to urine, that will form a school around the bather as a peeper.”

Other prohibitions to respect beaches

The Municipality of Vigo has also decided to establish other rules to preserve the beaches. So it has compiled a list that includes cleaning utensils, smoking on the part of beaches (the pollution of beaches and seas due to beets is very high) along with a ban on the use of soap and shampoo in the sea. Present). You can find other more classic prohibitions like leaving trash on the beach and having a barbecue or grill there.

Vigo isn’t the first city in Spain to implement the measures: in 2017 San Pedro del Pinatar also passed a law against physical evacuations on the beach or at sea. It also includes nudity, sports batting and ball and reserving places on the beach. Towel (which will cost 30 euros).

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How to stop wild urine?

The Spanish city has put in place measures to avoid these behaviors. He decided to install public toilets throughout the summer where there were none yet. However, she says that “The fact that there are no toilets on the beach is not an excuse for the user to physically empty into inappropriate places”.

It has to be seen how the government implements this new law.


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