Queen Elizabeth: That’s why she’s not the Queen of England

Queen Elizabeth: Why she is not Queen of England

Queen Elizabeth
why is she not queen of england

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Queen Elizabeth was born in London, has an official residence at Buckingham Palace for more than 68 years, and yet is not the Queen of England. How can it be like this?

Royal titles are easier to explain than they are: their origins often go back centuries, they are complex, difficult to understand, and modified from time to time. In the case of Queen Elizabeth II, there is an additional point: geography. But from the beginning.

that is the title of queen elizabeth

The correct official title of the Queen according to the “Royal Title Act” of 1953 is:

Elizabeth II, God Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and its other states and territories, by the grace of the Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. In short, the Queen is the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. To understand why the term “Queen of England” is incorrect, one has to take a look at the history books.

Why today’s queen is not the Queen of England

A king for England and Scotland

The last Queen of England is technically Queen Elizabeth I. He died in March 1603 after 44 years of rule without dynasty. His closest relative who has a claim to the throne is King James VI. of Scotland. He is the first person to come to Scotland And The rule of England in personal union. He holds the title as James I. “King of England and Ireland” and as James VI. Topic “King of Scotland”. However, both countries remain sovereign, meaning they have their own parliaments and laws.

Great Britain was founded

With the “Act of Union” the kingdoms of Scotland and England united to form the Kingdom of Great Britain in May 1707. Scotland retains its legal and religious independence, but finance, trade, parliament and the national flag become one with England. For the reigning Queen Anne it means a change of title: from now on sheQueen of Great Britain and Ireland”.

Ireland comes – and goes

In 1801, Ireland was incorporated into a political union with Great Britain. She calls herself now”The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.” In 1920, under King George V, much of Ireland gained independence. Only the northern counties remain united with Great Britain. The title of emperor from that time till today is because “The King/Queen of the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland.” Since 1999 Scotland again had its own parliament with limited powers within the UK.

Sources used:parliament.uk


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