Reality and fantasy clash over Thanksgiving in Trump and Biden

Reality and fantasy clash over Thanksgiving in Trump and Biden
Unity that President-elect Joe Biden Seen in a speech Wednesday, Washington looks more like a distant dream than the situation in Washington, where Trump is digging in the depths of his bunker. The president is denying his election defeat at the same time and Encouraging loyalists to fight it. And the federal government and Congress are effectively AWOL, leaving millions of Americans to defend themselves amid medical and economic catastrophe.

In this bizarre barrier between Biden’s victory and Trump’s departure, the lame-duck president and his entourage have, surprisingly, noted different paths.

Trump is wrapped around the axis of his deceptive bid to withdraw the presidency, which is receding from his grip with each passing day. He churches between complaint and pipe dreams, no thought for destruction in his path. Biden, operating in the world as it exists, plans to wait for the government. And in the two days since the transition formal transition was allowed to begin by the Trump-appointed, Biden’s team has begun investigating the rust and nuts of the institutions that acquired them.

Biden’s reality and Trump’s ideas collided on the eve of Thanksgiving.

The first news that came Weekly unemployment claims reached 778,000 – three times their pre-epidemic average. Trump, meanwhile, called plans to attend the Charlton Circus just as a bill Pennsylvania Republican voter fraud “hearing” After his attorney in Gettysburg, Rudy Giuliani, was exposed – again – to someone who tested positive for coronavirus. Giuli returned anyway and called Trump, his annoying voices through a speakerphone pressed up to a microphone.
The president attacked the courts, which unanimously rejected his outlawed claims, Democrats with even more blatant absurd lies, and – whose outcome was difficult to say – to overturn the election results. A few hours later, he Forgive the faithful Michael Flynn, His soon-to-be acting national security adviser, who accused the FBI of lying about his conversations with Russia’s then ambassador.

After that, Trump invited Pennsylvania Republicans to a West Wing meeting at the White House, two sources told CNN. The president met with two leading Michigan G.O.P. With state legislators who visited Washington last week, hoping to gain more fuel for their baseless claims of electoral fraud, it is a gamble. But he found nothing, and Republicans quickly issued a statement confirming the truth – that they had “not yet been made aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in Michigan.”

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Remove galaxies

In Delaware, about 120 miles from the Gettysburg vessel and many psychic galaxies, Biden gave a sober call for precaution And resolve by facing a spiraling crisis.

“I know the country is fed up with the fierce fighting. But we need to remember that we are not at war with each other but with the virus. Not with each other.” “This is the moment where we need to steel our spines, redouble our efforts and get ourselves back on the fight.”

As he did during the campaign, Biden mourned the loss of his first wife and infant daughter in 1972, and his son died of brain cancer less than five years ago – to reassure mourning Americans.

“It’s really hard to handle,” Biden said of the “empty chair” where a loved one once sat, about the amazing sight. “It’s hard to say thank you. It’s hard to think ahead, and it’s hard to hope. I understand. I will think and pray for each of you this Thanksgiving.”

Earlier in the day, Future First Lady Jill Biden was spotted unloading bags at a food bank in Reloboth Beach, Delaware, where Bidens is on vacation. Huge challenges faced by many by small gestures, his life ruined financially by the epidemic, who have temporarily turned to increasingly degraded service-oriented organizations to satisfy basic needs.

And Vice President-elect Kamala Harris Crisis tweeted a long-running article“Our food banks across the country are struggling to keep up with demand due to Kovid-1to. Know that when Jobiden and I are in the White House, we will fight food insecurity and overcome this crisis,” he said.

“No one in America should go hungry,” he added.

a Washington Post Survey of Census Bureau Data Since late October and early November, food insecurity has been on the rise. One in 8 Americans said they had gone without food during the past week, which was in the home in children.

Kelly O’Connell, CEO of Lakeview Pantry in Chicago, described the painful scenes as hard-affected families come to help, for the very first time.

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Describing a family of four who had exhausted their savings, O’Connell spoke to CNN’s Brooke Baldwin about feelings of shame that often come with asking for help.

“They came to us to be able to put food on this Thanksgiving table,” he said. “One of the parents stopped in the car because they were a little embarrassed about how they get food. And, so it’s really tough.”

Growing lines outside food banks have become a bitter hallmark of this sad season.

Congress is still stuck on a relief package

Legislators tend to spend time deadlines so the fate of the stimulus seems unclear

On the horizon: more pain. An estimated 12 million people will lose the extended unemployment benefits provided by the federal relief package passed back in March. The prospects for a second round of federal stimulus in the near future seem vague. There are several weeks of government funding deadlines, which could give legislators the opportunity to budget some new aid. But the excitement of the Democratic-backed House first passed in May, then updated in early October, it is sluggish.

Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to take it, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has so far refused to consider the small, fragmented law. The stalemate is increasingly depriving American workers and putting entire industries on edge.

The absence of a centralized, organized figure in the White House has also begun to worry about procedures for the distribution of coronavirus vaccines. In the mirror of chaos this spring, when local leaders were left to bid against each other for ventilators and personal protective devices, a top Illinois state health official said the federal government had already said it could not meet the initial request of 400 400,000. Dosage.

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“We’re still waiting to see the answers, and we can understand why, but it looks like the initial allocation will be ready to go out – the numbers have dropped,” said Dr. Ngozi Ezike of CNN’s Nia- Said Malika Henderson. “So as a result, all states will get less money.”

Fight the bounce

& # 39;  Tired of being sad.  & # 39;  Economic stress from Kovid is taking emotional action

Washington was tied in a knot and the coronavirus spread at a record rate, with the Mayo Clinic, the country’s most popular healthcare provider, announcing that staff were being brought in from outside the state and telling retirees to return to work fighting the virus. In Minnesota.

As of 10 a.m. Wednesday, Johns Hopkins University reported 178,752 new cases nationwide and 2,207 deaths. Which followed more than 2,100 Covid-19-related deaths on Tuesday, the highest single-day number since May. Public health experts worry that millions of people traveling on Thursday will stimulate another wave of transition to spend time indoors and with family without security.

A former White House medical team adviser, Dr. “She’s probably the mother of all supersprider events,” Jonathan Rainer told CNN this week.

In the shadow of those terrible statistics and terrible warnings, The White House issued a statement from the President “Advising” service and sacrifice “of first responders, medical professionals, essential workers, neighbors and numerous other patriots.”

He then encouraged behavior that put everyone at greater risk.

“I encourage all Americans to come together,” Trump said, at homes and places of worship to thank God for our many blessings.


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