Rome: Giunta’s first budget for Gualtieri, “more money for the school-social”

Rome: Giunta's first budget for Gualtieri,

The green light for the Single Programming Document (DUP) and the first fiscal budget for 2022-2024 of the Council of Roberto Gualtieri. Overall, the budget allocates a current expenditure of approximately €5.280 billion, “exceeding both the forecast for 2021 contained in the budget 2021-2023 approved by the previous administration (€5.095 billion), and the amount of current expenditure for 2022, following the previous Changes in November (5.140 billion)”, explains Capital.

The budget “bets on re-introducing the administrative capacity of the municipal machinery, especially in areas that appear strategic to the needs of the community and for which there is a substantial increase in current expenditure as compared to the previous budget approved by the previous administration.” and compared to the same changes in November: the reference is to schools (78 million more), the social sector (31 million more), employees (17 more) and the environment (1.5 million more plus’), which will benefit approx. From an increase in current expenditure for a total value of 130 million euros”.

“As far as the school sector is concerned, the allocated resources, in particular, continue to finance special support activities as well as cover the shortfall of infant school fees and extend the opening hours of structures. Will allow to keep. Covid needs”, he explains. will allow the administration to free up enormous resources”.

With regard to personnel expenses, the allocated resources “we need to strengthen the municipal machinery (with special reference to school staff and municipal police) and new hire programs to complete the path already started on decentralized bargaining and ancillary pay will allow it to continue. With regard to capital expenditure, the balance sheet shows a total amount of investment expenditure of more than 1 billion euros (1.075 billion), including the three-year plan for public works (from about 350 million euros for 2022 alone). In addition, “already in the process of approving the budget, a significant increase in the amount of current expenditures earmarked for municipalities will be completed, approximately 12 million euros more, on average more than 4% of the total resources allocated.” These funds will be disbursed on the basis of different parameters and innovative parameters that take into account the real needs of the sectors”, he explains.

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“A big thanks to Deputy Mayor Silvia Scozez and all the offices for the commitment that made it possible to make this budget in such a short time – commented Mayor Roberto Gualtieri – I would like to underline the increased resources for investment and municipalities. for, in addition to emphasizing on important areas such as social, school and environment”. “Although the administration took office less than two months ago – he explained, the approval by the executive of the two documents in such a short time frame represents a result of extraordinary importance”.


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